Dynamic Management Views Presentation – Richmond, VA 10/8/2009
I’ll be in Richmond, VA tonight to present the discussion: DMOs, DMVs, DMFs… WTH? For the Richmond, VA SQL Server Users Group. Should be a good time. Slide deck will be up on the site at some point in the next couple days. Please look under Presentations on this site for all slide decks related to the topics I present on. That being said, I am also on Speakerrate.com and the following link will provide you with the ability to leave feedback on the session. I really hope you take the time to do so if you’ve attended the session in order to make it even more stellar than I hope it will be already: Rate this session I will also be placing the deck out on slideshare.com in the next few days as well and will update this post with the correct link once that is done.

Will shave for Christy Leonard's Cookies
After telecommuting the last 7 days I’m not fit to be seen in public. If you’ll excuse me I better go clean myself up for the flight. I want to avoid being a person-of-interest in any airport and also don’t want to scare Christy Leonard and the little ones from the Leonard clan when they pick me up at the airport.