SQL Saturday 31 Chicago Follow Up
I find myself sitting in the back of Jeremiah Peschka’s (web|twitter) session on Internals of The SQL Query Optimizer looking back on two presentations I conducted earlier today. Both ran long – 1 due to starting late, the other because it was just too damn big. Overall things went well. My shrinkingisbadandyoumustnotdoitorkittensaredevouredbyalligatorswhicharefedtobiggeralligatorswhicharethenrunoverbydrunkentruckers did not produce the results I want (or one would expect) unless I was troubleshooting it in the back of Jorge Segarra’s(web|twitter) session.
Never the mind though. It’s not like it started raining metors or something because a demo tanked. No earthquakes hit; no volcanoes erupted. Life went o…
No kidding?
Sorry, I was just informed that there were meteors over Chicago, an earthquake in Mexico, and a violent eruption in Iceland. Shit. My bad.
Well, at any rate the presentations have been uploaded to http://thesqlagentman.com/presentationfiles . Use them with care. These things are apparently dangerous when they fail.