Just How Much is Too Much?
An update on the vendor horror story involving a 2-week execution of a stored procedure that includes suprise upgrades, server creep, and the smell of rancid poo.
An update on the vendor horror story involving a 2-week execution of a stored procedure that includes suprise upgrades, server creep, and the smell of rancid poo.
So what does Database Mirroring have to do with porn stars, pizza, dogs, weed, cats, beloved comic strips from our youth, and Whack-A-Mole? Everything. Oh and shizz about SANs too.
It’s always important to involve the right individuals for the task at hand from the start of a project? You would not decide to cut the red wire or the blue wire without having Danny Glover next to you, so don’t architect and commit to an application implementation without all the right IT Professionals.